
An ever increasingly popular
and expanding category of motor racing, Historics offer up many challenges when
driver comfort is taken into consideration. The cars themselves were often
built in a time when seating position was not even considered and solutions to
car design make driver ergonomics challenging. This means some innovative
thinking and solutions are required. Having made many seats In a huge variety
of historic cars spanning many eras and categories, we are confident we’ll have
the best solution for you.

  • Optimum Comfort

    It's important that the seat you sit in whilst driving is fitted appropriately to the contours of your body to enable for a comfortable drive, enabling the driver to concentrate fully on the task at hand.

  • Agile Handling

    Each seat is custom-made to fit the individual shape of the driver, enabling for adept and agile handling whilst steering.

  • Safety Prioritised

    Safety is paramount whilst racing at high speeds and our seats are manufactured to UK safety standards to ensure the driver is protected as much as possible should a crash occur.